Christine Savage, Atlas Copco
Christine, IMS Co-ordinator, used the PDSA cycle and productivity tools to improve the RTD Claims process at Atlas Copco. Christine successfully reduced the time required to resolve a claim.
- 24% reduction in claims response time
- Expected cost savings of $360,000 annually
Melanie Briscoe & Shaen Gingrich, North East Specialized Geriatric Centre
Melanie, the Manager of Clinical Services and Shaen, a Physiotherapist, successfully used productivity tools to streamline the process for preparing for and delivering follow ups at North East Specialized Geriatric center. A set of EMR tools were developed to support the future state and aid clinicians in using a consistent record keeping method.
- 50% decreased in prep time per follow-up visit
- $16,068.78 annually in savings
Pioneer Manor
Bruce, the Manager of Administration, was able to reduce the amount of time it took to fill open shifts and mitigate the risk of injury and modified work WSIB claims. He was also able to increase staff morale by piloting a shift filling software called StaffStat. Bruce is utilizing the PDSA cycle for ongoing review of the current practice to look for continuous improvement opportunities.
- 30% less time filling shifts
Dana Corsi, North East Specialized Geriatric Centre
Dana, Project Coordinator, reached her goal to eliminate the wait time of admissions to the Sault Area Hospital (SAH) Assess & Restore Unit come from an SAH acute care inpatient unit from an average of 10.6 ALC days waiting/person to 0 wait time.
- Approximately 100% reduction in wait time
- Approximately $10,000 in savings annually
George Strydom, Atlas Copco
George, Production Flow Manager, used a series of PDSA (Plan Do Study Act) cycles, continuous updates and analysis of data collection in order to improve inefficiencies including bottlenecks on the rod production line at Atlas Copco.
- 46% improvement in production
- Approximately $200,000 in savings annually
Gayle Cazalet & Josiane Charbonneau, St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre
Gayle, Occupational Therapist / Patient Flow Coordinator, and Josiane, RPN/RAI coordinator, identified a delay between the identification of bed vacancy and the bed fulfillment notice. Staff used tools to reduce waste and decrease time from application receipt to admission of the patient in the facility. Admission documents were made available electronically to facilitate multi user use at the same time. Visual management tools were put into practice to ensure gains were maintained.
- 50% time reduction between referral and admission dates
Gareth Cooper, Dumas Contracting Ltd
Gareth, Regional HR Manager, reduced admin defects in order to improve the flight reservation process with the travel agency, Dumas sites and Dumas flight coordinators.
- Error Rate decreased from 50% to 1%
Ed Lusk, Atlas Copco
Ed Lusk, Bit Plant Production Supervisor, used PDSA cycle tools and machine updates in order to reduce the bit plant CNC cycle time.
- 51% improvement in cycle time
Roxane Zuck, Monarch Recovery Services
Roxane, Program Supervisor, was able to reduce the time it took to complete assessments for the Pregnancy Parenting Outreach Program (PPOP) by using tools to make the assessment forms more user friendly and creating new procedures.
- 66% time reduction to complete assessments
- Wait list eliminated within first 2 weeks of implementation