Category: Change Management

Why Does Her Funding Bucket Look Larger than Mine?

One of the most rewarding aspects of working at Timelined is our ability to help more and more non-profits (which includes community service organizations, children’s services, mental health and addictions services, hospitals, school boards, municipalities and other government funded organizations) learn how to do more and serve more people with their limited funds. We do this in […]

Feeling Sandwiched? We have a solution to that!

This article is dedicated to all of those managers who currently feel like the meat (and maybe veggies) sandwiched between the front line and the Leadership Team. In our experience implementing change in a multitude of organizations stressed out supervisors/managers who really are the engine of the organization are often the ones that are least […]

Transforming Regret into Positive Momentum

Recently on mother’s day we participated in the Sudbury Rocks Relay Marathon with the “We are your PACE” relay team and we had 8 members including myself as the leader. Some thought it would be “cool” for me the leader (who is not a very good runner) to take the last leg of the race as I got to […]