Category: Uncategorized

Why Hire a Change Management Partner with Deep Mining Expertise for Mining Projects?

Introduction Mining projects are intricate dances—complex machinery, geological puzzles, and operational intricacies all moving in sync. But what about the people side of mining? That’s where change management partners with deep mining expertise step onto the stage. In this article, we explore why these specialized partners are essential for successful mining transformations.  The Mining Tango: […]

The Dance of Change Management Partners: Why Fixed Price Services Matter

When it comes to change management, finding the right partner is like choosing the perfect dance partner for a tango—timing, rhythm, and commitment matter.   Introduction Change management—the art of orchestrating organizational transitions—is like a well-choreographed dance. It’s about more than just systems and processes; it’s about people swaying to the rhythm of transformation. But who […]

The Crucial Role of Change Management in De-risking Projects

Introduction Change is inevitable. Whether it’s a small process tweak or a large-scale digital transformation, organizations constantly grapple with change. But here’s the catch: change isn’t just about systems, processes, and technology; it’s fundamentally about people. That’s where change management steps in. In this article, we’ll explore why change management is essential for de-risking projects […]

A Bright Future with Digital First

We are thrilled to announce the creation of Digital First, a groundbreaking division dedicated to fostering innovation and maximizing efficiency in modern business operations. With our history of effectively applying change management principles and digital adoption to mining giants, we are now extending our support to smaller –virtual/hybrid teams through Digital First. The new division […] Turns 11!

This year turned 11 years old, but we have over two decades of Digital Adoption experience! Our Start: Over 20 years ago our founder Neha Singh came to Canada with a diploma in software engineering and a passion for what we now call “Digital Transformation.” The first time she experienced moving from paper to […]

Career or Family: A choice I didn’t have to make.

Family or Career: A choice I didn’t have to make. As a young woman, the idea of starting a family can be terrifying – especially when it comes to your career. There are so many reasons to feel as though it is one or the other, societal pressure, other peoples’ opinions – and often, workplaces […]

To Mentor and Be Mentored

How can you get highly influential people to mentor you without bothering them? Finding a Mentor can feel daunting! On September 21st, I spoke on the topic of data at the MEMO Conference. I was watching all of the speakers go before me, and was amazed at their calm demeanours. Because when it was my […]

Leading With Influence vs Authority

When it comes to your organizational culture there is a statement that comes to mind. Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner? Well, I am adding an end to that sentence. …but only if your strategy is ill-informed. Influence, Authority and Culture are all related and it all is as it is. You can […]

Introducing Digital First

The COVID year has enabled businesses like ours to have time to reflect, become stronger and rebuild. survived, thanks to the good graces of the government, some patient partners and some very innovative clients who showed us how the world of work could be a different place, a more connected place, a more collaborative […]

How I Choose to Challenge Myself

I’ve been inspired by the International Women’s Day #choosetochallenge Campaign, especially the message that we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. Not withstanding the immense loss the world has faced, which for me also includes the loss of one of the most important men in my life, the […]

Do You Believe?

I was introduced to the concept of self-limiting beliefs by another one of my amazing mentors, Gisele Guenard the founder of the Client Centered Governance model and the author of her most recent book Minor Changes Major Results – Strategy One: Beyond Positive Thinking; In the summer of 2019, I was going through a crisis (which I now […]