
Who Drives Digital Adoption?

We asked Chief Information Officers with decades of IT experience Peter Taylor and Luc Roy, Does the procurement of new technology truly help transform a business and many many more questions, on this very exciting and candid linkedin live session full video here.  One insight, driving digital adoption is primarily the role of business owners […]

Introducing Digital First

The COVID year has enabled businesses like ours to have time to reflect, become stronger and rebuild. survived, thanks to the good graces of the government, some patient partners and some very innovative clients who showed us how the world of work could be a different place, a more connected place, a more collaborative […]

You’d be Surprised by Who is Eligible for a Canada-Ontario Job Grant! 

The governments of Canada and Ontario are serious about investing in workers. They’ve made this grant open to a broad range of employers. Employers can get up to $10,000 in government support per person for training costs.  Are you:  An individual private or not-for-profit sector employer?  – Or –   A First Nations or organization acting on behalf of employers […]

How I Choose to Challenge Myself

I’ve been inspired by the International Women’s Day #choosetochallenge Campaign, especially the message that we are responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. Not withstanding the immense loss the world has faced, which for me also includes the loss of one of the most important men in my life, the […]

Do You Believe?

I was introduced to the concept of self-limiting beliefs by another one of my amazing mentors, Gisele Guenard the founder of the Client Centered Governance model and the author of her most recent book Minor Changes Major Results – Strategy One: Beyond Positive Thinking; In the summer of 2019, I was going through a crisis (which I now […]

Kindness Comes in Many Forms

A few years ago, I was quite new at running my company as an independent entrepreneur and like many independent entrepreneurs just starting out I was having my doubts of whether I should really be doing this or maybe I should just get a job just like everyone else. This search enabled me to apply […]

Are You An Influencer? I Say Yes You Are!

Today I answered an interesting question in a room full of women from all over the world. Yes, it was an online room, on there were about 12 of us and the group has been initiated by one of the best influencers I have the pleasure of personally knowing Karyn Ross, who is not […]

The Beginning of Something New starts….

Sometimes you find the most interesting sources of inspiration out of nowhere. I was hanging out at the office shared kitchen which we share with MIRARCO and a few cool mining tech companies; Vic Palkanis had generously left a shelf full of belongings he hoped others could use. As I browsed this shelf I came […]

Who Is PACE?

PACE is a company that fast forwards your path to digital transformation by leveraging the most important component of your digital strategy which are the people. We have a proven methodology that helped one of our clients unlock an additional $54 million in annual production value for a short interval control project that was implemented […]

SIC – Safe Informed Crews vs Short Interval Control

The most significant risk to having any worker adopt a new technology is in making sure they understand why it is something they should have a desire to use because it will make their lives better! If you impose SIC without doing so, the impression is likely to be that you are making them use something that they don’t perceive to be useful to their job.

Bringing Lean Home

Northern Ontario — For the first time in Northeastern Ontario, Lean training will be offered locally in an open training format for individuals and organizations with an interest in refining their business processes and making the most of available resources, providing easy access to learning Lean concepts with a significant reduction in time and travel […]